Sunday, December 12, 2010

Crak Brand Of The Week: Single Second!

 I was introduced to Single Second when I visited Black Flag Shoppe in Clifton, NJ some time ago. I remember the shirt I bought had one of my favorite Childhood cartoon characters on it, Bart Simpson. I had did some more research on the brand and found out that they were from Canada. I then knew they're unique Clothing needed to be added to my collection. In October they dropped they're Fall/Winter collection which of course didn't disappoint, check out the interview below and see why Single Second is Crak's first Brand Of The Week!

Crak: What is Single Second & why the name Single Second?
Single Second: Single Second is an independent street wear brand from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in Canada. The name Single Second comes from the AFI song "A Single Second".

Crak: What made you want to start your own clothing line?
SS: We wanted to start our own clothing line because we've always been artistic and creative and wanted a creative outlet. We've always loved t-shirts but we weren't fans of most street wear and their prices, and we never liked many band shirts because they get printed on such crappy blanks. We thought "We should make some t-shirts that combine the best of both worlds" and started Single Second.

Crak: What other clothing lines inspired you?
SS: The first clothing lines to inspire us were skate brands like Droors, Freshjive, Matix and Alpha Numeric, as well as skateboard companies like Girl, Chocolate, Toy Machine etc.

Crak: Do you have a favorite design?
SS: Pretty much every design we've put out we would consider favorites. That's like trying to pick your favorite child, haha.

Crak: If someone stole one of your designs, how would you react?
SS: We'd find the person who did it and rape them. Haha, but seriously, I don't think we'd care, we don't take ourselves too seriously.

Crak: What is the most difficult aspect of having your own clothing line?
SS: I'd have to say the most difficult part is trying to grow the brand with almost not advertising or marketing. Social networking sites have helped us make it possible so far.

Crak: What has been Single Second’s greatest accomplishment?
SS: Honestly the greatest accomplishment to us is when a design completely sells out. It's great to have collabs or get into stores, but to have our lines sell out from our own stores and events is the best.

Crak: What is the best & worst thing you've heard about your brand?
SS: The best thing I have heard about Single Second in my opinion has been us being called an inspiration. I think someone called us trashy once, that's probably the worst thing.

Crak: What is some advice you'd give to a person who wants to get into making their own clothes?
SS: Don't do it for money, always do it for passion. Other than that, take your time and don't rush into anything.

Crak: 5 years from now where do you see yourself as well as your brand?
SS: In 5 years from now I see myself pretty much doing what I'm doing today. As for Single Second, growth every year would be nice, hopefully we can expand the brand and start telling more stories with our collections.

 Check out Single Second's Official Website www.SingleSecond.CA , Also follow them on Twitter @SingleSecond as well as like them on Facebook. Shop on Single Second's site and use the code:Crusafix for a 10% discount on all orders!


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